Friday, January 24, 2014

+1 (2013)

This Review Contains Mild Spoilers

+1 is a movie that I hadn't heard of until about a week ago. Boasting a high concept, and starring that guy from the Purge, it caught my attention enough to watch it (and it was on Netflix, so whatever). The movie starts out with Purge guy fucking up hardcore with his long-time (about 730 days) girlfriend. He decides he is going to fix things at this huge party event, full of loud music and a shit load of people (he doesn't make the greatest decisions through-out the movie). During the party, a meteor, that no one really noticed, starts fucking with the electricity; causing lens flare, and time-jumping doppelgangers/overlapping time-lines. 

The movie's party setting gives it an energy that its present in the majority of party-centered movies, but here it made the film feel like more happened. The party's soul purpose feels like it is to assist the plot in spanning 90 minutes, and serve as land-marks for the time-jumping.. On top of that, they added tons of shit that was not needed, and didn't even make sense at some points. A rule that they set up, and becomes a huge part of the narrative, is that you can change the course of what happens to the time-jumping-doppelgangers, especially if they, you know, see a duplicate of themselves. This is ignored in a scene where characters see them selves, but when the time-jumps, they still do what the originals do (hump). In another scene, a character walks by a group of people, who are focused on the duplicate of her, and throws something on one their dresses, and then walks by herself.  Booze, boobs, and CGI flaming tennis balls make the film just a bit easier to watch. 

It isn't all bad though. There were a good amount of missed opportunities, but they did an alright job of taking advantage of this Body Snatchers-esque concept. The final act pays off a little, but the ending sucks. The movie is moderately entertaining, and I recommend watching if you're in the mood for flashing colors.

Last thoughts:
-I'm convinced the Red-head was shoe horned in because they found actresses that were twins and didn't mind making out.
-I'm glad they never involved the girlfriend's fencing into the movie.
-Those were pretty shitty strippers.
-Home Depot is knowledgeable. 

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